
Owing to topographical and climatic conditions of the Alpine area, an efficient and sustainable use of existing resources in terms of area and energy efficiency as well as infrastructure utilization will pose a significant challenge in the future, especially in the State of Salzburg. There is only a limited amount of building land available in Alpine regions. Therefore, using the available space efficiently is all the more important. Solutions that focus on the inner-development of existing residential areas are becoming increasingly relevant in consequence.

The building sector is one of the largest contributors to energy consumption; thus, not only area but also energy efficiency plays a major role when it comes to designing buildings and cities. For these aspects to be considered, crucial steps towards the development of new technologies within the building sector, particularly as far as building envelopes and smart energy systems are concerned, need to be taken via respective research.

The Alpine Building Centre, a cooperation of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and the Studio iSPACE of the Research Studios Austria FG, aims to reduce the energy demand by bundling expertise in the field of resource-efficient construction and sustainable residential development. By doing so, the Centre wants to contribute to achieving climate goals and increasing the efficient use of existing areas. Both connecting science to industry and combining construction materials to building technologies are of particular interest to the Centre.

Das Forschungszentrum Alpines Bauen, setzt sich als Ziel Gebäude mit all ihren Komponenten und ihrem siedlungsstrukturellen Umfeld im Sinne von Smart Buildings und Smart Settlement Systems intelligent miteinander zu vernetzen. Dazu ist das Zentrum in drei Forschungsschwerpunkte gegliedert, welche auch interdisziplinär vernetzt sind.